Thursday 3
Sessions générales
Session de posters
› 14:45 - 14:50 (05min)
Orbital-scale changes in the Australian–Indonesian monsoon activity over the last two glacial periods
Wei Liu  1@  , Eva Moreno  2@  , François Baudin  3  , Franck Bassinot  4  , Nianqiao Fang@
1 : Institut des sciences de la Terre de Paris  (UMR 7193)
Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6
2 : Centre de recherche sur la paléobiodiversité et les paléoenvironnements  (UMR 7207)
Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle
3 : Institut des sciences de la Terre de Paris  (UMR 7193)
Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6
4 : Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement  (LSCE)
LSCE-Vallée Bât. 12, avenue de la Terrasse, F-91198 GIF-SUR-YVETTE CEDEX -  France

A multi proxy study of core MD01-2376 collected in the Timor Sea has been used to study past changes in Indo-Australia monsoon dynamics, especially in relationships with Pacific Warm Pool evolution. This core covers the last two climatic cycles. Major elements have been measured by AVAATECH X-Ray Florescence core scanner. Heavy elements like Ti and Zr have been interpreted as aeolian tracers. They show a strong precession band and a good coherence with the june insolation at 30°N which might indicates changes in the Indo-Australia monsoon intensity. allow us to study past changes in monsoon activity at different time scale in relationships with orbitally-driven changes in past insolation. The aeolian tracer elements (K, Ti and Zr). On the other side, Br has been used as a marine productivity indicator and indicates a higher productivity during glacial than interglacial periods.

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