By author > Caley Thibaut
Orbital timing of the Indian, East Asian and African boreal monsoons and the concept of a ‘global monsoon'. Thibaut CALEY, Bruno MALAIZE, Marie REVEL, Emmanuelle DUCASSOU, Karine WAINER, Mohamed IBRAHIM, Dina SHOEAIB, Sébastien MIGEON, Vincent MARIEU
Comparison of four independent paleotemperature records over the last 800 ka in the South-West Indian Ocean: similarities and differences Thibaut CALEY, Jung-Hyun KIM, Bruno MALAIZE, Jacques GIRAUDEAU, Thomas LAEPPLE, Nicolas CAILLON, Karine CHARLIER, Hélène REBAUBIER, Linda ROSSIGNOL, Isla CASTANEDA, Stefan Schouten, Jaap S. Sinninghe DAMSTE