Par auteur > Sanchi Lise

Jeudi 3
Calibration de proxys

› 11:50 - 12:10 (20min)
› Amphithéatre du CEREGE
Branched tetraether lipids used as novel proxies of continental air temperature : insights into Central Europe temperature evolution over the past 40000 years
Lise Sanchi  1@  , Guillemette Menot  2@  , Edouard Bard  3@  
1 : Centre Européen de Recherche et d'Enseignement des Géosciences de l'Environnement  (CEREGE)  -  Site web
Aix-Marseille Univ, CEREGE, UMR 6635, 13545 Aix en Provence cedex 4, France, CNRS, CEREGE, UMR 6635, 13545 Aix en Provence cedex 4, France, IRD, CEREGE, UMR 161, 13545 Aix en Provence cedex 4, France, Collège de France, CEREGE, 13545 Aix en Provence cedex 4, France
Europôle de l'Arbois, BP 80, 13545 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 04, France -  France
2 : Centre Européen de Recherche et d'Enseignement des Géosciences de l'Environnement  (CEREGE)
Aix-Marseille Univ, CEREGE, UMR 6635, 13545 Aix en Provence cedex 4, France, CNRS, CEREGE, UMR 6635, 13545 Aix en Provence cedex 4, France, IRD, CEREGE, UMR 161, 13545 Aix en Provence cedex 4, France, Collège de France, CEREGE, 13545 Aix en Provence cedex 4, France
Europôle de l'Arbois, BP 80, 13545 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 04, France -  France
3 : Centre Européen de Recherche et d'Enseignement des Géosciences de l'Environnement  (CEREGE)  -  Site web
Aix-Marseille Univ, CEREGE, UMR 6635, 13545 Aix en Provence cedex 4, France, CNRS, CEREGE, UMR 6635, 13545 Aix en Provence cedex 4, France, IRD, CEREGE, UMR 161, 13545 Aix en Provence cedex 4, France, Collège de France, CEREGE, 13545 Aix en Provence cedex 4, France
Europôle de l'Arbois, BP 80, 13545 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 04, France -  France

The MBT/CBT proxy based on the relative distribution of branched tetraethers, found in various terrestrial environments and ancient sediments, is a promising tool for past annual air temperature estimation. Its applicability has been recently supported in studies on modern soils and estuaries sediments, but to date there are only a few published temperature reconstructions based on long paleosequences at high resolution. We present here a MBT/CBT-derived temperature reconstruction from a sediment core retrieved in the northwestern Black Sea, covering the last 40 kyrs BP. The mismatch between reconstructed and instrumental modern temperatures in the Black Sea drainage basin evidences the need for regional calibration as well as better constraints on the branched tetraether sources. But despite uncertainties on absolute MBT/CBT-derived temperatures, the relative temperature signal on the last glacial provides insights into the millennial scale climate variability in Central Europe. Notably, the LGM-modern temperature (6-9°C) and the imprints of Younger Dryas and Heinrich stadials (1.5-4°C) are in line with other paleorecords in the Northern Hemisphere.

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